Transparent Butterfly Are they Real !

Most of the people believes that glass butterflies or transparent butterflies are just internet hoaxes, or perfection of graphic designers with their tricky Photoshop Skills. Well to put it simply these Glass Butterflies do exist, the reason behind their transparency is that the wings of the thing lacks the colorful pigments.
You can find these Glass butterflies in Central America and the name of this in spanish is Espjitos or little mirrors. Their unique transparent property gave them a surreal look as you can see.

Transparent Butterfly are they real

Transparent Butterfly are they real

Transparent Butterfly are they real

Transparent Butterfly are they real

Transparent Butterfly are they real

Transparent Butterfly are they real

Transparent Butterfly are they real

Transparent Butterfly are they real

Transparent Butterfly are they real

Transparent Butterfly are they real

Transparent Butterfly are they real

Transparent Butterfly are they real

Transparent Butterfly are they real